Why not? It's been a long time coming, but I know I'm not the wisest guy in the world. People have told me that I got cool stories to tell, so why the hell not?
Here's the thing... When you got so many thoughts or ideas in your mind, or whatever goes running around that head of yours, at some point, you would want someone to hear about them. Some other, EXISTING, person that would agree or disagree with you - and I mean a real-life, living, human being, not that voice from within that either encourages you, or weighs you down. The point here is, you want to be appreciated. You want to be noticed. You want to be either be praised or challenged. Basically, you want to be heard, and be seen, and verify that you exist in this world - you ego-maniac.
Well, at least that's what I thought this was about. In any case, I have several ideas that I wanted to share. I don't really care about what others would say about it; but I do want to validate myself in terms of my intellectual capacity and my idiotic ways of thinking, so to speak.
I am not well versed in the language that is known as English, so forgive me. But, I tend to lean on writing with this form since it is widely known and familiar to most of the people in this world - not that I know of any other world that exists, if you know what I mean. Then again, as I said, I'm not very good with it. It is not my first language, and hopefully not my last - as if I still got time to spare in studying others. I will be writing mostly in this language, and hopefully they are understandable, but I am also planning to 'add a little spice to the recipe'. You'll probably know what they would be, and you'd probably know what they mean, obviously.
Alright, back to the drawing board. Well, I ain't going to draw literally, but erm, never mind. So, why here... hmmm... I guess I have researched a lot about creating a blog, and the easiest way to start is here. Period. That's it. I mean, it's pretty basic, yes, but nobody expects much from a starting point. It's like creating your first character in an RPG, and you've just spawned from its cruel, forsaken world. Waiting to start your journey into the vast, open world, escape from reality that we call life.
Why now? To be honest, I've got nothing to do at the moment. I have some free time, and my goodness! Is it almost 3:00 in the morning? Yeah, that's right... I'm that kinda guy. Can't get enough sleep, and bursting with ideas. Actually, not all of my ideas are good. But, hey, I still feel priviledged to be able to think about them.
This is the part where I tell you guys that I am not a social person. Social? Sociable? Whichever it is. I am not that guy. Well, I do talk or chat with other people - friends, family, co-workers, the lady at the counter inside the supermarket, and whomever I need to talk to, or whom I feel I should speak with. But I have never, and I mean this, never have I ever found someone who takes an interest in what I'd like to say.
People around us, specifically in the circle of peers, family members, colleagues, etc., they all want what you want - to connect. Yes, that's true. You see, I have personally observed that in life, we tend to try and re-create ourselves, act differently, or fix our behaviours just to please other people. To fit in, or to become a part of a group that we all know is going to be suffocate us in its future. We are adapting to our surroundings to survive this social slur.
But for me, it's gonna be different this time. This time, I will be profoundly honest to who I am, what I want to say, and what I want to do... But, just to be clear, what goes around here, stays around here...