In this article, we're going to talk about one of Ken's book ideas in the making. This will be an in-depth, interview style of the world behind, INSIGNIA.
For starters, what does the word, "INSIGNIA" mean? Insignia, as described by Google search, is a badge or distinguishing mark of military rank, office, or membership of an organization; an official emblem. It's like a marking or a title that distinguishes rank or becoming a member of a certain organization. Well in this story, the word "INSIGNIA" provides a deeper meaning about an organizational ladder for politics and society, a familial bond, and many more. This word becomes a symbol of what a person is, or what he or she could become.
Now, enough of the jibber-jabber, and let's get down to business.
The of INSIGNIA is divided into three parts, representing its three books, and three different set of timelines and characters. Each book provides stories of different origins and a variety of genres, but are all intertwined by either fate or will.
The three books, in order of its releases, are:
- INSIGNIA: Mark of the hero
- INSIGNIA: Conquest of the past, the present, and the future
- INSIGNIA: Degrade
Now, be weary of the details though. Each book is significantly different from each other. Some characters maybe related, but most of them have their own set of scenarios that may or may not cross paths with the others. However, this is all focused in the same world.
The first of the three books begins with the story of the protagonist, Marcus, or as you would know by its title, Mark. The plot revolves around Mark's discovery of his true nature, while meeting the members of The Don's family. In this book, you'll learn vaguely that there are different worlds and dimensions that coexist with each other. It reveals the existence of what is called as 'biospecies'. The biologically specialized species, or the biospecies, are people, well mostly humans, with distinguishing traits that a normal human won't have. These are caused by a mere set of factors, which could either be genetic modifications, deformations or abnormalities, or mysticism. So, special abilities as you might say.
The second book jumps way too far from the storyline of the first one. This time, the book tells you the story of the past. The origin of biospecies, and the establishment of a secret organization that tried to contain the existence of biospecies away from the eyes of the public. It revolves around the first agents of the B.A.S.I.C., while diving into the history of the world, and the struggles of biospecies against humans. Not to reveal much of the stories from this book, it becomes the foundation of the first book, and contains the untold stories of some characters that appeared on the first book.
Now, the third book will be a tricky read. The complications of both the first two books are engaged in this book. It is a given that some of the important characters on the other books will be appearing here, but while not all stories will connect, secrets will be revealed and tons of battles will begin to sprout.